Differences between Functional Components and Class Components
In this article, we will learn about the differences between functional and class components in React with the help of an example. We will create a counter and implement it using both class and functional components to understand the differences practically....
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Difference Between Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0
Web 1.0 was all about fetching, and reading information. Web 2.0 is all about reading, writing, creating, and interacting with the end user. It was famously called the participative social web. Web 3.0 is the third generation of the World Wide Web, and is a vision of a decentralized web which is currently a work in progress. It is all about reading, writing, and owning....
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Difference between var, let and const keywords in JavaScript
The keywords var, let, and const in JavaScript define the variable scope and behavior. The var keyword has function scope and is hoisted. The let and const keywords have block scope, with const requiring an initial value and preventing reassignment....
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Difference between Java and JavaScript
Java is a statically typed, object-oriented programming language for building platform-independent applications. JavaScript is a dynamically typed scripting language primarily used for interactive web development. Despite similar names, they serve different purposes and have distinct syntax, runtime environments, and use cases....
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Difference Between GitLab and GitHub
Version control systems are important tools for managing code changes and collaboration. GitLab and GitHub are two of the most popular platforms in this space. However, they have key differences that can influence which one is the best fit for your project. In this article, will explore the differences between GitLab and GitHub, highlighting their features, benefits, and use cases....
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Difference Between Web server and Application server
A server is a central repository where information and computer programs are held and accessed by the programmer within the network. Web server and Application server are kinds of the server which employed to deliver sites and therefore the latter deals with application operations performed between users and back-end business applications of the organization....
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HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is used to create web pages and web applications. It is a markup language. By HTML we can create our static page. It is used for displaying the data not to transport the data....
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Difference Between Git Fetch and Git Pull
Understanding the difference between git fetch and git pull is important for effective version control in Git. These commands are important for managing your repository and collaborating with team members. In this article, Let us look at Git Fetch and Git Pull separately with the help of an example....
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Difference between Regular functions and Arrow functions
This article discusses the major differences between regular functions and arrow functions. Arrow functions – a new feature introduced in ES6 – enable writing concise functions in JavaScript. While both regular and arrow functions work in a similar manner, there are certain interesting differences between them, as discussed below....
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Difference between JSON and XML
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format and it completely language independent. It is based on the JavaScript programming language and easy to understand and generate....
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Difference between HTTP GET and POST Methods
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) specifies a collection of request methods to specify what action is to be performed on a particular resource. The most commonly used HTTP request methods are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. This article covers the 2 most common HTTP request methods, i.e. the GET & POST Methods among the rest of the methods....
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Difference between Gradle and Maven
Software is a program or set of programs containing instructions that provide the desired functionality and Engineering is the process of designing and building something that serves a particular purpose and finds a cost-effective solution to problems. Gradle and Maven are different tools used to build software. In this article, the differences between these two tools are discussed....
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